Delete Account

If you do not wish to continue using MyTerry in the future, you can delete your MyTerry user (account) registration at “Delete Account”. This action will physically delete your account information.

How to delete your account

After signing in, tap “Information” at the bottom of the screen.

Under “Delete Account,” tap the checkbox for “Yes, I want to permanently delete … ” checkbox and turn it on.

When the check box is checked, the “Delete My Account” button is enabled, tap this button.

A warning message will appear to confirm deletion. After confirmation, tap “Yes, Delete” if you wish to delete the account. This will delete the account.

Account deletion is complete. Tapping the “OK” button will take you to the welcome screen.

Note: After the account is deleted, an email notification will be sent to your registered email address (no further email notifications will be sent).

When you want to cancel the deletion of your account

In the “Delete Account” screen, tap the “X” button or tap the “Keep My Account” button to cancel.

How to Use